Top 7 Most Common Tech Questions asked by people

Top 7 Most Common Tech Questions asked by people-

Hi friends!

Hope you all be fine.

In my previous blog, I've talked about the "Top 10 biggest Tech Myths". In case if you haven't read that blog, then click here to read. That was an important blog, everybody should know about that which myths are very common in society so that they get to know the real truth behind those myths.

Anyways Let's accelerates today's topic
In this blog, I've tried to answer some of the common tech questions frequently asked by people.

Here is the list of questions along with the best answers-
Have a look at them!

1. Is it safe to use public Wi-fi?

Is it okay to use public Wi-fi?

Whenever we see a public Wi-fi, we used to connect it just because it is free without thinking about its negative aspects. It can be dangerous for our privacy and security. The owner of Wi-fi can track your activity if you connected to his Wi-fi. If you are making online transactions, doing online banking, sending/receiving messages, exploring inbox, and other sensitive activities, then you are at risk. He can get access to your bank account login ID and password, he can read your e-mails and messages and can track whatever else you are doing. So, be very careful while connecting to public Wi-fi next time. Don't do any sensitive stuff on public Wi-fi that can make your online privacy at risk. Tell me in the comment section where you often used public Wi-fi?

2. Is it safe to upload my files on cloud storage/drives?

Is it safe to upload my files on cloud storage/drives?

Keeping files on the cloud seems very simple and easy. It is very easy to maintain files and other stuff there. And the main advantage is that we can access it from anywhere and at any time just we need is a phone/computer and internet to access it. No need to carry hard drives, pen drive, and any other storage media. Coming back to the question. see, using cloud storage is safe if you are using a cloud of trusted brands such as Google Drive, One Drive, iCloud, Amazon drive, etc. These are the few examples of popular cloud storage services. Data on these clouds are fully encrypted. But one thing is that if you are running any organization or company then it is recommended to use the private cloud to store data instead of the public cloud. If you are an individual then the public drive is okay.

3. Why deleting a file takes less time than copying and pasting it?

Why deleting a file takes less time than copying and pasting it?

This is a very interesting question. Have you ever think over it? Tell me in the comments below. Actually when you delete a file from a particular location in the disk then the name of that file only hides, the file still exists there but not visible to the user. It will not delete permanently until you overwrite a file in the same location. As the only name is hidden, it doesn't take time. You can also recover that deleted file using some software until you haven't overwritten there. Coming back to the question. But when you copy a file and paste in a specific location then in that case complete file gets copied to the clipboard and then pasted in that location. This process takes time. Now, I think you all got to know why this happens.

4. Why we get less storage in storage devices than written on it?

Why we get less storage in storage devices than written on it?

This is a very common question. Whenever we bought a storage device for eg. pen drives, memory cards, Hard disks, etc. We've seen that we always get less storage than specified on it. Many people say that some space in storage devices is reserved for the system files and drivers, but this isn't true at all. Have you ever think about why this is so? Here's the complete explanation. We all have learned some standard memory units in our computer classes. It's as follow-

MEMORY UNITS (Computer standard units)



1 KB

1024 BYTES


1024 KB

1 GB

1024 MB


1024 GB

Note- Computer and other electronic gadgets including mobiles, tablets, etc follow the above standards.

But the standard which storage manufacturer companies follow is slightly different. It's as follow-

MEMORY UNITS (Manufacturer's Units)




1 KB

1000 BYTES


1000 KB

1 GB

1000 MB


1000 GB

Storage manufacturers follow the above standards because making 1000 MB is somewhere easy and less time consuming than 1024 MB. That's why this difference arises. It is not that manufacturer is giving less storage, it is all about the standard they choose. They've made their own standards because it is more convenient for them. Moreover, I'm going to take an example so that concept becomes crystal clear. I know the explanation is going very long but you must know "the concept is power".

Suppose you've bought a 16 GB Pendrive. Now convert this into bytes using manufacturer's units. 16GB = 16*1000*1000*1000 = 16000000000 Bytes. Now convert it back into GBs but using computer standard units this time. 16000000000 Bytes = 16000000000/(1024*1024*1024) = 14.901GB (Approx). Now see the difference it is about 16-14.901 = 1.099 GB. So this difference is due to different standards and nothing else. This was a great question. Ask this question among your friends and tell them the correct explanation as explained above.

5. Do ISPs record my call and hear what I talk to someone?

Do ISPs record my call and hear what I talk to someone?

I've seen many people who often asked such questions. Recording someone calls and hearing their private talks are completely illegal. ISPs can hear but they usually don't do such. They're very concerned about people's privacy. You think what they'll get to hear your talks. They're not interested in your phone conversation at all. And also recording calls of all users is not practically possible. Nowadays, on average, a mobile user talks about 20-40 mins a day. So, storing that much data is not possible. But one thing is there that calls of criminals, terrorists can be recorded and tracked

6. Can ISPs (Internet Service Providers) see what I do online?

Can ISPs see what I do online?

The answer to this question is definitely YES. They can track which websites you visit, which content you watch, what things you download, and many other online activities. They've full access to your browsing history, geographic location, etc. I've talked on this topic in detail in my previous blog. Click here to check. So, Is there any solution? Yes, you can use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or Tor Browser. These things you can do for prevention. 

If you don't know about Tor Browser and how to use it? Then click here to learn.

7. How does a circular camera lens click rectangular images?

How does a circular camera lens click rectangular images?

Have you ever wondered How does a circular camera lens click rectangular images? I'm sure yes. Here many people will say that camera software automatically crop the photo into a rectangular shape but this isn't true at all. Actually, the shape of the image sensor in the camera is rectangular and we know that the function of the image sensor is to absorb the light. And if it will be in a rectangular shape, then the image will also be in the same shape. This is the actual cause of the rectangular shape of the image.
For camera-related myths check out here.
That's all for now!

I hope you enjoyed this blog. If you have any other questions then feel free to ask me in the comment section below. You can also DM me your queries on Instagram @tech_stoic. I'll reply and will make a dedicated blog on it.

You can also suggest some topics for a new blog.
I've mentioned the top 10 tech myths in my previous blog. I highly recommend you to read that blog. Click here to read.
Till then Stay Tuned at TechStoic!

Author- Aman Tiwari
Follow me on Instagram @tech_stoic


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