
Showing posts from August 30, 2020

The Reality of online classes in India!

The reality of online classes in India ! Hi friends! I hope you all be safe in your homes. As currently, global pandemic COVID-19 is going on. Due to that many regions are in lockdown. All schools and educational institutions are suspended currently to prevent further spreading of the virus. Students are attending online/virtual classes.  I like to talk about "The Reality of online classes in India!" today. Very few people are only talking on this topic. So I felt that I should talk and give my own views. Please read this article to know more. You can also give your opinion on it in the comment section below. Students in India are facing various challenges while taking online/virtual classes. It seems very easy to attend online classes where we can learn in the comfort of our home. But on the other hand, there are many problems and challenges too. By the way, you all are aware of the benefits of online classes. So, In this article, I only talk about some negative aspects, pro