What is the dark web? How to access it and what you'll find there?

What is the dark web? How to access it and what you'll find there?

Hi Friends!
What's up

Today's topic is kind of interesting and mysterious. Many people don't know about it.

Let's explore it! 

Many people often think that what they are using like email, social media, video conferencing, Google, etc is internet but actually it is not the case if you are thinking the same that internet is limited to social media, video calls, and all then you're thinking wrong. In this article, I'll explain it to you.

Basically, the Internet is divided into two parts, one is Surface Web (Public Web) and the other is Deep Web. And in there is a small part of Deep Web, which is known as Dark Web. The given below image is self-explanatory.

Surface Web, Deep Web, Dark Web ice berg

Let's discuss them one by one


The internet which is accessible to the public, which we surf daily is termed as surface web. It is also known as WWW (World Wide Web). This web is only 4-5% of the total internet means the internet which we're using daily is only 4-5% of the total internet. This web is easily accessible to all, through search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. All webpages of the surface web are indexed with search engines. Everybody has access to it and it doesn't require any special permission to access.

Surface Web

Now, moving towards the major part of the Internet i.e, Deep Web.


It is the major part of the Internet almost 95%. Sometimes it is also referred as hidden WWW or web or internet. It is a hidden web, which is not accessible to everyone. It requires special permission (Login ID and password) and a URL to get access. Without having these things, you can't get access to it. It includes bank account page, email account, cloud drive, government or organization secret project files, military projects, scientific or medical research page, information of employees of any organization, any hidden webpage of a website, etc. 
The above-mentioned things aren't indexed with any search engine. You can't see my email inbox, chats, or bank account page by simply searching on Google. It won't display there because it is not indexed with it. You need my email account and password to see my inbox, you need a login ID and password to access my bank account. I think now you all understood, what actually is Deep Web?

Deep Web Search Engines to Explore the Hidden Internet

Now, let's talk about Dark Web, on which this article is based.
I've seen that many people, they often confused between the dark web and the deep web, they thought that both are almost the same, but actually, it is not the case.


It is the small and deepest part of the Deep web which isn't easily accessible to the public. A very few people including hackers, crackers, smugglers, arms (weapon) sellers access it. Websites on the dark web are not indexed by search engines, and we can't access it through normal web browsers like chrome, edge, opera, safari, etc. It requires a special browser about which, I'll talk later in this article. All illegal and wrong things happen here, which you can think of - smuggling, arms(weapon) trading, drugs trading, live streaming of torturing and murdering humans (including children), financial crimes, terrorist and criminals secret conversation, violence, selling someone's data (including Facebook, Gmail, bank account details, etc), hiring hitman for taking someone down (killing). I know these all are inhuman disgusting activities, but trust me it actually happens there. People who're interested in such kind of activities visit dark web to watch. Those half-minded, insane people get a feeling of pleasure while watching live torture, murders, etc. 

What Is the Dark Web

There might be a question strike on your mind after knowing this- "Why these websites are not shut down or takedown by government or some other body? Why the government doesn't do something to stop such illegal activities"

Here is the answer.
The government itself has no control over it. These activities happen so privately that we haven't know where or at which place it happens till now. And these websites host directly through the local computers of the owner (of the website), not through any server. That's why the government cannot stop these websites, even if they want.

Dark Web hackers

Now, let's talk about how to access it.

How to access the Dark Web?

This is the most common question asked by people regarding the dark web.
As I've already mentioned above, we can't access it through our normal web browsers. You need a special browser to access it i.e, Tor Browser. This browser is also known as the Onion Router. You can download it through play store on your phone and can from their official website for your computer. It is a free and open-source browser developed under the Tor Project. This is a very secure browser that lets you to access the internet anonymously. It is also used to open .onion sites ( Dark web sites). You've seen various domain names such as .com, .net, .org, .govt, etc, but these domains are only for the surface web. All dark web sites have domain names .onion. This browser doesn't direct your request to the server directly, it sends your request to the server through various VPNs and proxies. It creates a new and virtual IP address and bounces the address through various nodes. It ensures your privacy and security. You can browse the internet fully anonymously and privately using it.

Tor browser- The Onion Router
See, using the Tor browser is completely legal, you can use it if you're concerned about your privacy and want to explore the internet anonymously, but accessing the dark web and engaging in nasty activities is completely illegal. The cyber police always monitor it, many peoples were arrested, who were found engaged in such activities on the dark web.

Bouncing of address through vpns

Many people often say that Can I visit dark web just to see what actually happens there, how things work there, I'll not engage in any of the activities happening there.

But, see if you visit, there might be high chances of leaking of your data, they can hack your computer and can access important and personal files, documents, etc. There can be a chance that they can get access to your webcam and can stream it live what you do in your home. This is a serious issue for your privacy.

I never recommend you to visit the dark web. If you visit there, it'll be at your own risk, I will not be responsible for that. This article is only for informational and educational purposes. 

It's time to wrap up now. I've described all things which I know in this field to the best of my knowledge.

Share this blog among your family and friends, this will motivate me to write more.

I'll come with a new blog very soon.
Till then Stay tuned at TechStoic for more interesting and informative blogs.

Wishes and Regards

Author - Aman Tiwari

Follow TechStoic on Instagram- @tech_stoic


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