What is Mariana's Web? How to Access Mariana's Web? Mariana's Web : The Darkest and the Deepest corner of the Internet !!!

What is Mariana's Web? How to Access Mariana's Web? Mariana's Web: The Darkest and the Deepest corner of the Internet !!!

What is Mariana's Web? How to Access Mariana's Web? Mariana's Web: The Darkest and the Deepest corner of the Internet !!!

Hello friends!

This is the most wanted topic. I've made this blog after the huge requests, messages, DMs on my Instagram page. Most of the people were talking on this topic. They want to explore it. I appreciate that you should explore technology but without performing or engaging in any of the illegal activities. There is very little information about Mariana's Web if you search on the internet, even there is not a Wikipedia page for that. Whatever information I've, I'll share it here.

But before that let's quickly revise the Surface Web, the Deep Web, and the Dark Web. I've also made a dedicated blog on it where I've talked about Dark Web in detail. I highly recommend you to read that blog before going through it. Click here to read.

Surface Web - This is only 4-5% of the total internet which is easily accessible to everyone. You can access it through any search engine eg. Google because all websites on the surface web are indexed with Google.

Deep Web - This is the major part of the internet. To access this you need permission (Login Id & password). This part of the internet isn't indexed with search engines. For eg- You can't access my mail inbox page by just searching on Google. You need my consent to access it means Email ID & Password.

Dark Web - This is the subpart of the Deep Web. Some technical people use the dark web for surfing the internet anonymously or privately. The dark web is that part of the internet where all illegal activity happens for eg. drug trafficking, weapon selling, live murders, smuggling, gambling, financial crimes, criminals and terrorist secret conversation, etc. 

This was short information about the Surface Web, the Deep Web, and the Dark Web. If you want in detail you can read my previous blog. Click here to read.

What is Mariana's Web? How to Access Mariana's Web? Mariana's Web: The Darkest and the Deepest corner of the Internet !!!

Let's start our main topic!

What is Mariana's Web?

Mariana's Web is the darkest and deepest place on the internet. Moreover, this is darker and deeper than the dark web. This is named after the Mariana Trench which is the deepest location on the earth. It is located in the western pacific ocean. Accessing Dark Web is pretty easier than it. It isn't easily accessible, to access it you need the web address and key of the website. 

Now let's see!

What is inside the Mariana's Web?

Well according to the known information, there are the top-secret projects of the government which they want to hide from the public, there is the Illuminati base for communication. Some people also claim that there is lots of information about the lost city of Atlantis (fictitious city). You can also find some deep secrets of the earth there that are hidden from us. There is also mentioned about some weird creatures that are never seen on the earth. There is a complete database of experiments performed on human and their parts. Drugs Trafficking, arms (weapon) trading, human parts selling is very common there. In some research, it was found that people were talking about the "afterlife" there. This is the top-secret place on the internet which is the hub of weird things that are very uncommon to an ordinary human.

Let me tell you a story related to Mariana's Web which gone very popular in past days. I'm not sure about the truthness of this story but still, read it is interesting. There was a web developer. One day he got a task from an anonymous person on Reddit (a social platform). The person told him to design a website for him. He was ready to give $50,000 per week to the web developer. Can you believe just for making a simple website he was paying an enormous amount to him? But the condition was that he has to work on a private server. The developer agreed and started designing a website. After working for roughly 8 weeks he completed his task. Now he had a curiosity to know why that person was giving a high amount just for a simple website. As he was working on the private server, he has limited access to it, so he started exploring it and found a video that was very weird and mysterious. I've attached that video here. This video may contain some disturbing and horrible stuff, so watch at your own risk. If you don't like such things then you skip this video.

                                            Video credit - YouTube

There were some binary codes used in this video. This code decoded as follows-

"Once you get in, you can never escape

Never, try to enter, this is where you stop.

We are not alone

There is no afterlife

Leave them alone

None of this is real

Earth is not real

Living is not real

Death is not real

I am God”.

Now let's talk about

How to access Mariana's Web?

Accessing Marina's web is not a child's play. As I already mentioned, if you have a proper web address and key of the website then only you can access it. And, also you need a quantum computer and a very fast internet connection. Quantum computers are very powerful and can be comparable to supercomputers.
You need a very high-end processing and computing device. The simple answer is that we, ordinary humans can't access it. And also why there is a need to access such an unnatural or abnormal thing? I cannot comment anything on the truthness/ reality of the information, story, and video provided above, it can be fake or real. I just told whatever I know and gathered after research.

How to access Mariana's Web?

Now let's end up it here.
Tell me in the comment section, How was this blog?

Till then Stay Tuned at TechStoic!

Author - Aman Tiwari

Follow me on Instagram @tech_stoic

Follow me on twitter @tech_stoic


  1. Good Aman bhai....
    Keep it up( iam vinay)

  2. Can we use tor browser to access it?

  3. See, As I mentioned in blog that for accessing Mariana's web you'll need a quantum computer which are very powerful. So we can't access that hidden web by our normal computers and browsers.

  4. You can use Tor browser to access Dark Web... for more information, Read this - https://techstoic.blogspot.com/2020/07/what-is-dark-web-how-to-access-it-and.html

  5. Replies
    1. Video is attached below that paragraph....

      Or u can watch from here - https://youtu.be/UmaRW_STKdw


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