The Reality of online classes in India!

The reality of online classes in India!

The reality of online classes in India!

Hi friends!
I hope you all be safe in your homes.

As currently, global pandemic COVID-19 is going on. Due to that many regions are in lockdown. All schools and educational institutions are suspended currently to prevent further spreading of the virus. Students are attending online/virtual classes. 

I like to talk about "The Reality of online classes in India!" today. Very few people are only talking on this topic. So I felt that I should talk and give my own views. Please read this article to know more. You can also give your opinion on it in the comment section below.

Students in India are facing various challenges while taking online/virtual classes. It seems very easy to attend online classes where we can learn in the comfort of our home. But on the other hand, there are many problems and challenges too. By the way, you all are aware of the benefits of online classes. So, In this article, I only talk about some negative aspects, problems, challenges, and reality of online/virtual classes. 

Expectations vs Reality of Online Classes | TechStoic

Let's proceed!

Some major challenges - 

1. Unavailability of Internet/Devices - 

It's a real fact, today we're talking about Digital India but still, there're many villages in India where the internet isn't accessible yet. If accessible then connectivity and quality of the network aren't good. See every student can't afford a broadband connection at home, they've to manage their classes with mobile internet. And we know the reality of Mobile ISPs in India. I've seen in many families, there is only one smartphone. So, how can you expect each child in that family can take the class. They can't afford devices such as smartphones, laptops, etc. This is the real truth.

A few days ago I've heard somewhere that a poor family bought a smartphone by selling their buffalo which was their only source of income. Now can you imagine how they are managing livelihood?

2. Impact on eye and health - 

It is also a big issue. Currently, classes are going on for 3-4 hours continuously without any break every day. Continuously exposing our eyes to the screen for a long time can affect it badly. This can affect our eyes badly. I think there should be a proper break between the classes. Instead of taking classes every day, we can make it for alternate days. Nowadays, students are sitting at home, so there is a lack of physical activity, this can lead to major health problems.

3. Lack of interactions/guiding and counseling - 

In physical schools, students can interact through teachers in real-time. But believe or not this interaction is highly reduced in online classes. In school students are in front of teachers all the time, teachers can guide them, correct them when they make mistakes. But no one there is to see what students are doing at this time? In school, we get many opportunities to interact and socialize but in online classes, this factor is highly diminished. There is a lack of counseling also. 

Poor connectivity, lack of smartphones: Online learning a challenge for  teachers, students | TechStoic

That's it for now.

Give your valuable suggestion and opinion in the comment section below. You can also tell me about some other challenges and problems that are known to you.

Till then Stay Safe Stay Happy!

Author - Aman Tiwari
Follow me at Instagram - @tech_stoic


  1. Due to pandemic there is great impact on is being compromised. Online education isn't that good that it'll replace the offline one to one interaction with teacher's and friends...


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